$BBIG Militancy

5 min readMar 17, 2022

The way I see it…

if we don’t win, no one wins.

Still not sure what’s been more volatile since I embarked on this life journey that has become $BBIG; me or the IV. One thing I can say is this hasn’t played out the way I had wished. Don’t get me wrong, I think in some ways the victories we had perhaps may have been the most rewarding, particularly when they started writing hit pieces against our unorthodox tactics (their words not mine).

Although I’ve been here since October ’21 the period above in time I linked marks a point where something magical happened — something nobody saw coming, we precipitated a premature gamma-squeeze. Just like it sounds it was short lived (literally and figuratively), however that isn’t the point. From my limited perspective this actually was only thwarted by two sequential events: Seeking Alpha dropping fake earnings (how did anyone fall for that) and Hudson Bay crashing the party train.

I do live in my own dream world so (just as most of you know) take what I say with ounces of salt.

Anyways fast forward to March the world is burning, if you weren’t in Congress or Russia, I doubt most saw this coming. Thanks god the RHO greek on our favorite stock essentially means interest rates are meaningless right? Either way whoever is pulling the strings seems to be afraid of sub $2 for reasons unknown.

Speculation time. We still believe Cryptyde will be valued at $10 for every 10 shares correct? Perhaps I am naive, but with tax season rapidly approaching something has tickled my whiskers… tax free dividend. Quick maths: $20 invested yields $10 tax free hmmmm….. Maybe some of you don’t live in a state or city where my tax rate may as well be 60% on capital gains, but any lower and it’s open season for me. JK I would never wash my money I love the IRS.

Anyways this was learning experience for me, options aren’t for weekly YOLO on hegemony controlled penny stocks; lol they were intended for hedging [source needed] right? Fuck me, well at least it isn’t the first time I lost $40k, but I digress money actually is ephemeral (what’s the word) fiat aka imaginary.

Anyways, I still want to use my imagination to rape these bears, so let’s begin. Outgunned, overwhelmed, demoralized; prime conditions to catch our enemies by surprise no?

If you are still here then you are legend, I can only speak for myself but I am no longer attracting new blood to this fight, this is our mess and I won’t let the next person pay for it or my mistakes.

What I am about to propose will cost nothing, however, it can only be achieved by majority support of this sub. Regardless of you opinion of me, if you’ve been here good chance you know me. I am not a shill and what I am about to propose may bend the mind and perhaps make you think I am one; except if you’ve seen any of my drunken pseudo-angry blackout rants then you’ll have no respect for me anyways, so I digress…

Oddly enough, when I’m not blacked out drunk taking my misplaced relationship anger out on people I don’t know on Reddit, I am actually a senior software engineer that oversees millions of users globally on my companies iOS & Android platforms. I’m actually not hard to find, and frankly I’m surprised I haven’t been fired or arrested; but I’ll take that as ya’ll ain’t snitches.

Yes this same strategy can be used against me…

Sorry I’m going to digress. Actually at the peek of the January bull run I was actually receiving dumbass job offers in the finance sector; something like $220k to “wfh” and essentially sideline me. Perhaps I am dangerous. Not because I will hunt you down or use the mosquitos*, but at some point I was able to persuade enough people to look past my flaws; idk that’s pure speculation.

Flexing aside and repercussions be damned I’m vested and rested. Back to brass tacks; how we want to finished this saga once and for all. Let’s finish this like the true boss BBIG Battalion we are, like something bosses! This has always been a group affair and I am nothing without this group, these are ideas I am proposing. If the group does not form a consensus, the neither shall I, here we go:

Methodology I am an app developer and above all I can vouch for my bosses fear of taking his company public. This can be echoed by (valve) Steams justifications:

It’s also not a publicly traded company. So, unlike Facebook, Valve can cut off everyone — including Steam Spy — without having to worry about losing out on revenues.

Once you IPO you succumb to the will of the masses (and for a while shorts), but there are more of us than there are of them. Strength in numbers and I will show you what I mean:

  1. If Tyde is not released before dilution, we spam the iOS & Google play stores with 1 Stars and negative reviews.

This is particularly nasty, this will instantaneously cause any rankings to tank fast (really fast) meaning not only will scores go from ~4.6 to sub ~3 really fast, it will also lose that chat #149 metric. This will infuriate mobile developers and I can vouch from experience cause absolute chaos. Bad reviews that accompany this (if well worded) will amplify this as well.

As a matter fact I’m gonna stop here. If management is held hostage by shorts, then perhaps we need to become vengeance, perhaps we need to reach outside the traditional tools, perhaps we need to revive our unorthodox nature.

I’ll leave this up to you.

